Biography of the artist Philippe Boonen

Belgian with a Dutch mother, Philippe Boonen has lived in Barcelona since 2006.
Here he found his personal " playground ", a place that gives shape and life to all the colors of his soul.
Passion, elegance, authenticity and versatility: these are just some of the values that distinguish his extensive and prolific personal work.
Well known for his murals that he has done all over the world, his career path is as wide as his imagination.
He has worked with fashion brands such as Chanel, Valentino, Andrés Sardá and Anna Cortina #artmeetsfashion.

In addition, he has been responsible for the set design for one of the most important festivals in Asia, the Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP), for the Coldplay X BTS video clip “My Universe” and for different commercial advertisements for international brands such as Heineken (2022). .

“Transparentism” would be a definition of the line of paintings and murals that he paints with layers where the planes are not defined.
According to Philippe: " It doesn't matter what is in front or behind, the most important thing is the presence of the subject itself ".

He likes to define himself as an "impressionist 2.0": always in search of abstraction within figurative art, as in impressionist painting, objective reality loses value in the face of personal impression.

"Life is like a playground: play, don't be afraid to try new things, enjoy and always listen to your inner child, he is the most powerful muse of all!". Philippe Boonen

Biografía del artista Philippe Boonen 

Belga de madre holandesa, Philippe Boonen vive en Barcelona desde el 2006.
Aquí encontró su " playground " personal, un lugar que da forma y vida a todos los colores de su alma.
Pasión, elegancia, autenticidad y versatilidad: estos son solo algunos de los valores que distinguen su extensa y prolífica obra personal.
Muy conocido por sus murales que ha realizado en todo el mundo, su trayectoria profesional es tan amplia como su imaginación.

Ha trabajado con firmas de moda como Chanel, Valentino, Andrés Sardá y Anna Cortina #artmeetsfashion.
Además, ha sido el responsable de la escenografía de uno de los festivales más importantes de Asia, el Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP), del videoclip de Coldplay X BTS “My Universe” y de diferentes anuncios comerciales de marcas internacionales como Heineken (2022).

El “transparentismo“ sería una definición de la línea de cuadros y murales que pinta con capas donde no se definen los planos. 
Según Philippe: “ _No importa lo que está delante o detrás, lo más importante es la presencia del sujeto mismo”_.

Le gusta definirse como un "impresionista 2.0": siempre en búsqueda de la abstracción dentro del arte figurativo, al igual que en la pintura impresionista, la realidad objetiva pierde valor delante de la impresión personal.

"La vida es como un playground: juega, no tengas miedo a probar cosas nuevas, disfruta y escucha siempre a tu niño interior, es la musa más potente de todas!". Philippe Boonen